

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to questions relating to our event.

  1. Is there a schedule for the event?

    5 PM - Doors open/social; dinner specials available on site with Morgan's Island Grill and additional CASH discount; beverages for sale on site.

    7 PM - Educational proceeding.

    8 PM - Morgan's Island Grill closes.

    9 PM - Afterparty (mature audience).

  2. Does it cost money to park at Liberty HQ?

    Should be plenty of free street parking near the venue.

  3. Will I need proof that I have a ticket?

    The upcoming event is free attendance with donation suggested.  Registration is required.  The will call should have a list of all guests at the door.  You may need some form of identification for verification.

  4. Can I register to attend on the day of?

    Potentially.  Liberty HQ has occupancy limitations.  If registration closes due to the this, a waitlist will be created and become available.  Reach out to if you have more questions or concerns.

  5. Where does the money go?

    Events take a lot of coordination.  Any funds raised will first go to cover remaining costs to create this entertaining event.  Should there be a windfall, funds will first reimburse sponsors* and be split evenly between Mercer County Libertarians and NJ Human Action.

  6. What affiliate organization and vendor tables will be present?


  • CannaSense

  • NJ Libertarian Party

  • NJ Mises Caucus

  • Mercer County Libertarians

Questions?  Email

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